Thursday, June 3, 2010



So I drove another billion miles today. I left Lawrence, KS at about 11am.

I passed two WalMarts right after I left, but I didn't stop because 1. I just left and 2. They were past the exits... AGAIN.

Then when I was ready for a WalMart to happen upon me... there wasn't one. But there was... (!!!)

This thing! I was like, "Whoa! What is that?! Is it an old haunted jail?!?!?!"

No. It was a mill. I don't remember where this was. Who cares!

But this was neat:

The St. Louis Arch. More pictures here.

So I was really down about driving FOR-FREAKIN'-EVER, and for not having been in a WalMart yet today, when the skies opened up and Zeus himself spit upon the ground outside my car.

I was following Vivian's (my GPS voice) directions, and this a-hole in a blue truck wouldn't let me get all the way over and so I missed the turn for the routey-thingy I wanted. So Vivian was getting me back to the correct highway. I had to get off at the next exit, and as soon as I passed one building, I knew I should get my camera at the ready. AND READY I WAS!!!

Unfortunately, I was not propositioned by any of the three... "working"... "girls"... But I plan on missing this same turn on the way back ;) They were TOTALLY dibs-worthy.

Unfortunately, I missed one of them. They only "emerged" if a man was driving... I'm guessing...

And also unfortunately, "pictures taken with my camera were actually taken much, MUCH closer than they appear." Seriously. It's weird, I wasn't that far away from them... if you catch my drift ;)

Right after I "filled up my tank" (wait, what?) this appeared: (!!!)

But it was probably another dumb mill.

I saw a few of these signs on my travels through Kansas/Missouri/Illinois/Indiana/Kentucky, and I thought they were interesting:

It's a "Refitting and Mastectomy Center" which I was like "WHAT?" but I looked at the website and it makes more sense. I thought they sold bras AND did mastectomies... I don't think that's the case...

This is Larry Flynn's Hustler Club. It IS safe to assume this is where I took the girls from above. [Should I know who that is? He sounds familiar... Toothless McGumpy?]

I reached 1000 miles driven on this trip! HOLLER!!!

DANG! Does my thumb look freakishly long? Well, you know what they say about guys with long thumbs... DOUBLE DANG!!

Ew. No, I did not shower today. And yes, I am breaking out like WHOA. I have a new favorite word, in addition to "lamesuck." It is "uglydumb." That is how I describe this picture. I will be using these new words EXTENSIVELY.

This is Louisville, KY.

I am currently in Lexington, KY. It's... Let's just move on.

I leave for D.C. tomorrow where I will spend the night with my awesome friend, and then head to the University of Maryland on the 5th to meet the program director. I'M SCARED.

Again, see this for more pictures. :)


  1. Hi to you too! Glad that you're still snapping pictures. Are your snacks still holding out?
    Also, did you know that it's Larry Flynt? Fun fact.
    Love the pics!

  2. Uglydumb... definitely adding it to my vocab. Except it needs to be spelled uglydum.
