Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year

I don't see what's so happy about it.

JK! It'll be great. But seriously...

Musings on a Year: 2010

Man, I'm cute.

Another year, another 365 dollars. (That's how that saying goes, right?)

Well, a lot happened this year. Just like every other year. I (FINALLY) graduated from college. Now MY FAMILY is ready for me to go to graduate school. Jerks. I interned at NASA over the summer. Now MY FAMILY is ready for them to hire me. Jerks. Da bod a dem. [IT'S NOT GONNA HAPPEN. They don't pay enough, haHA!]

But enough about them. A lot of other stuff happened this year, I'm sure. I've tried to repress most of those memories.

I made a few friends this year, lost a few too. Unfortunately, if I were to sum the whole year up in a few words, it would be "The Year That Lots of People Stopped Talking to Becca." Oh yeah, it's gonna be one of THOSE posts... Now, don't get me wrong, tons of people I care about stop talking to me all the time. It's like a thing. But it seems for some weird reason, 2010 is the year that it really got on a roll. Sure, friends come and go... so do partners. Right. I GET IT. Trust me.

And yes, I'm not the best at keeping in contact, and sometimes friendships just dissolve. But that's not what I'm talking about here. What I am talking about here is people I really, really, really, really, really care about not talking to me anymore. And they stop talking to me out of the blue, when I think everything is fine, or at least okay, or even going really, really well. So of the seeming billions of people that stopped talking to me this year, there were (are?) four that really got (get?) to me.

The first happened as far back as last January. She was an ex, we had a troubled past, and really, how could I have not seen this? But at least she was kind enough to send me a "I can't talk to you anymore until I figure some shit out" text. Since I really should have known this was coming in the first place, I'm not as angry/confused about it as the other three. Still sucks though. Especially because I thought things were going well. I guess they weren't!

The second happened over the summer. I've tried to reason this one out too. Mainly, I blame having to move across the country for the summer to work at NASA. But... that excuse fails to appease my confusion as to what the heck happened. What the heck happened?

The third is the one that still eats at me. This person was the first true friend I made when I moved out to Colorado from NY almost five years ago. Sure, we didn't talk every day, but I considered this person one of my best friends, a friend that I would grow old with, no matter where either of us ended up. Unfortunately, something happened this past semester, and... we don't talk anymore. At all. And that isn't to say I haven't tried. But in this case, I'm not about to give up just yet. But I also can't fight forever.

As for the fourth, I have no comment. It's too soon. But... I can't say its unexpected.

Sorry for the emo post, people. I promise the next two will be... well, one is good, the other is UTTERLY DEVASTATING. So there's that to look forward to in 2011! Woooooo!!!!

Also, free bagels.

Sunday, December 12, 2010


You will need a little backstory first: I read this webcomic Questionable Content, and it's about mid-twenties peeps and their lives. So here's the part you need to know about: The token nerd-has-never-had-a-boyfriend-plays-world-of-warcraft-etc is reading Harry Potter fanfic, wen the token lesbian comes in and is like... "actually, I wrote that." So token nerd swoons and they go get dinner to talk about fanfic. (It is important to note that token nerd doesn't realize token lesbian is a lesbian). So anyway, after dinner, token nerd is all "will you come to my house and read something I wrote?" and token lesbian is all "Oh FOR SURE." So then, the go back to token nerd's house, and the fanfic is... really bad. But token les is all "I'd still make out with you" which completely scares token nerd. And things get awkward. So token lesbian leaves, but then token nerd writes token lesbian a fanfic post. And the author of the comic actually wrote the post out. AND IT'S AMAZING. So I feel like if I ever wrote fanfic, my first shot would be something like this, but I would go into SO much more detail, if you know what I mean. But seriously. Mine would be so good... I might have to write one... But anyway, mine would at least have the sort of background story. HAHAHAHA


So here it is for your reading pleasure:

And if you want to see the actual comic with it starting at the beginning of the nerd/les story, here it is, and it continues for seven comics.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Just. Read. This.