Thursday, May 13, 2010

Gramtown Quotes from the Weekend of May 7 - May 11, 2010

Enjoy! And don’t talk to me about “context.” I don’t believe in it.

Me: “It was snowing in Colorado yesterday.”
Gram: “Colorado’s a dumb place.”

Gram (to Nick): “You should read that book The Hot Zone.”
Gram: “It sounds sexy!”

Gram: “I was a Hooker.”
(Ask for details).

Gram: “I used to be tough.”

Me: “I play by myself.”
Gram: “Do you?”

Nick (to Gram): “Get off my nuts.”
Gram: “I don’t want to get on them.”

Me: “No one’s sitting at the table.”
Gram: “I am.”
Me: “Well, you’re a freak.”
Gram: “I know it.”

Mom (to me): “You didn’t see the porn videos Gram and Grandpa used to make.”
Gram: “Speaking of those, your dad gave us these videos in Texas…”

Gram (to her neighbor): “My son’s wife has this mp-something and she can read books through her ears.”

So this isn’t a Gramtown quote, but it occurred this weekend and it’s too hilarious to not include. Plus, she was present, so it’s practically a Gramtown quote. Background: long story short, my brother got an F in one of his classes this semester.

Nick (listing his grades): “…an F in Geometry.”
Me: “Shapes? An F in Shapes? Oh, were there colors too?”
[My Mom and I high-five.]

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