Sunday, October 17, 2010


So my friend Carla is pretty happy. A little too pretty happy, if you catch my drift. And it's like, all the time. What's her deal, man? I know, right?

Even when Carla is utterly and severely depressed (Point A), she's still happier than the rest of us.

So anyway, after we was all talkin' 'n shits today, I realized... WAIT A SECOND, Carla seems a little, also, 'not all there'... if you see where I'm going with this.

And where I'm going is to SCIENCE! 

And by 'science,' I, of course, mean hilarious anecdotes.

So we was talking, and Carla asks,

"Why do people HAVE kids?"

A fair question I might ask. But also know, that this isn't(!) taken out of context. It's as much in context right now as it was when she asked it, trust me.

Still not convinced?

So for not being a science major, Carla is pretty 'hip' with the science, if you know what I'm saying. Tahlia and I talk science at her and she smiles and nods, which means she gets it. But today was the first time that science may have eluded poor, little, overly happy Carla.

For example, are you sitting? Well then, you're less happy than you would be if you were standing!

And according to Carla, it's true because IT'S SCIENCE.

"Well anyone who's anyone knows that sitting and unhappiness have an 80% correlation," you say. WELL, FINE AGAIN.

But the last piece of [SCIENTIFIC] evidence I have is thusly:

I'll write it out for you. Tahlia was standing. Carla was kneeling [OH YEAHHHHH]. Carla went to give T-bear a hug. Carla is a freakish monstrosity of tall and so her head came right up to Tahlia's... (smaller) boob. Carla proceeded to nuzzle said boobie with her nose. FOR A WHILE.

If that doesn't prove that Carla is pretty fan-freaking awesome, I don't know what does.

I love italics.

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