As you will all soon learn, some of my best thinking is done right before my naps. Well, today, as I was laying in my bed, I was thinking about 'roid rage' (why? who the hell knows). Anyway, I was lying there and I was like, "Why is roid rage associated with steroids? It makes SO much more sense if it was associated with hemorrhoids. I mean, if I had hemorrhoids, I'm sure I'd be in some sort of rage.
Since I am dedicated to my loyal fans, I decided to provide some illustrations for your viewing pleasure.

As you can see, this dinosaur has a bad case of the 'roids and he's definitely ragin'.

It's a well-known scientific fact that one of the side effects of hemorrhoids is the ability to shoot purple flames out of your mouth. Unfortunately, a passing caveman was subject to the dinosaur's intense 'roid rage. Now, doesn't this make SO much more sense instead of rage associated with steroids? It does.
so barry bonds had hemorrhoids and was at risk for shooting out purple flames? thats why he was indicted.